Chinese Etude
A series of practice etudes that aim to improve your fundamental techniques of the specified instruments.
Become a member for only $250 per year!

What's included in our yearly subscription?

  • A total of 20+ different etudes with five different levels of difficulty which aims to build a specific technical foundation through each piece, available in both solfege and western notation reading,
  • A click track for each etude with three varying speeds so that students can choose which one they want to play along with, and
  • Continuous updates of three new music pieces per year.

The idea for the creation of a series of Chinese Etudes came from a group of musicians active in the field of Chinese music and education. Their music teaching experience in tertiary institutions identified possible flaws of the current system, and this Chinese Etude programme is their answer to those problems.

  1. Well organised teaching concepts that are consistent with a student's learning journey,
  2. New and updated etudes that keep the student interested in learning,
  3. Provides the option for self-directed learning for certain tertiary institutions that are lacking in music instructors,
  4. Provides a practical scaffold for a students' learning progress so much so that the barrier for entry to learn a musical instrument is reduced considerably, and lastly,
  5. Serves as a refresher for students should they wish to bring learning home, ensuring the learning of the right fundamentals as they take learning into their own hands without the guidance of a professional.
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